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Painting A Bathroom - Some Tips To Help You SucceedWhen it concerns painting a bathroom the right way, the overriding concern is to make best use of the right colors. In particular, color, if chosen well, can create a dramatic effect on small sized bathrooms in which there will be fewer numbers of furnishings. The right color choice can help to make a bathroom seem a lot warmer as well as larger and it can also help attenuate the effect of certain functional items of fittings. Painting a bathroom should ideally begin with covering of the walls with the right color or even correct wallpaper which in turn needs to be distinctive and well patterned. A good example of how the right patterns can help you with your painting work is seen when you use earthy hues and stripes on the bathroom walls which in effect will help make the bathroom seem a lot taller than it really is. Some people even consider using stencils with which to create beautifully colored borders that can create the right kind of edges on the wall. Fortunately, you can pick and choose from a wide variety of stencils that can suit different styles as well as tastes. Painting a bathroom in a faux finish, for example, can create deeper looking walls and a porcelain crackle technique can help in creating more intricacy in the wall designs and colors. If you wish to make your bathroom appear to be a place in which to relax then you should consider using weathered crackle glass on the walls as well as on the woodwork. This will create a more antique look and it makes the bathroom seem more rustic as well. Dragging is a very commonly used technique that is used when painting a bathroom. All you need to do is create different colored variations in a faux finish and it will help to beautify the bathroom quite dramatically. Another idea for painting a bathroom that is worth checking out is using sponge painting techniques on the bathroom walls. Sponging is a special technique that is often employed by professional interior designers and it can certainly go a long way in creating a more dramatic bathroom backdrop for all the accessories and fabrics in the bathroom. Marbling is one more good faux finish painting idea that again is often employed by interior designing professionals. This method helps to create timelessness about your bathroom that will look a lot more beautiful and elegant and it also makes the bathroom look more distinctive. Some people even consider using wall coverings which is a good option as there are many options from which to choose. You can use wall coverings as a substitute for painting geometric figures on your bathroom walls. Hanging floral wall coverings is a good idea and one that can give your bathroom a feel of romance. Besides looking at what you need to do in regard to painting a bathroom, be sure to factor in the lighting solutions which can help in creating the perfect mood and which makes grooming a lot easier and effective. Different lighting options will work for different bathroom sizes. Lastly, be sure that you give your bathroom a paint job that reflects your personality and do not forget about giving the bathroom a more personalized touch as well. Check out this article about room color schemes using the color wheel for more information. More Home Decorating Ideas - Recommended Reading
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